Monday, April 10, 2006

Sandfest 2006

This past weekend, the husband and I went to the beach to watch people flaunt the laws of physics and laugh in the face of God as they sculpted fantastic things out of sand. Let me just be clear on that last part: all of this stuff you're about to see was made out of SAND. The most sophisticated thing I've done with this stuff is manage to wedge it deep into my ass crack after a weekend of camping.

And now, photographic evidence of my weekend (which has been so incredibly taxing to download that I'm copping out on all but the barest of commentary).

The ass crack sculptress stands next to
a far superior creation.

This was part of a centerpiece for the competition which was over 20 feet tall. Vendors and sponsors had cleverly carved their names into every other facet, but because they far outnumbered the sculptures and because they actually sold THESE, I refuse to post their names.

This one actually kind of reminded me of a Rodin sculpture, if Rodin maybe moonlighted for Hallmark now and then.

And this one just looked edible for some reason, like those chocolate Easter bricks that you feel compelled to eat simply because it's huge and chocolate and not because it takes any good.

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